Building REST APIs with Julia

07/25/2023, 5:30 PM — 8:30 PM UTC
32-G449 (Kiva)


Although Julia is a growing, fast language with relatively easy syntax, and thus quite a productive language, its popularity still seems enormously lopsided towards the scientific community. Thus it can be quite an intimidating language and community for newbies without heavy or good scientific or mathematical background to get into.

To address the intimidation above, I would like to propose this workshop, where we'll build and deploy a REST project for the web, a ubiquitous technology.


Although Julia is a growing, fast language with relatively easy syntax, and thus quite a productive language, its popularity still seems enormously lopsided towards the scientific community. Thus it can be quite an intimidating language and community for newbies without heavy or good scientific or mathematical background to get into.

To address the aforementioned intimidation, I would like to propose this workshop, where we'll learn to build and deploy a REST project for the web. With the web being a ubiquitous technology, this workshop should potentially have a wide-reaching audience but with the target group being experienced developers in another language checking out Julia, and people who have some basic experience with Julia looking to build a project where they can hone the skills they've picked up and put them to "practical" use.

I'm looking at developing this workshop as a potential natural progression to the "Introduction to Julia" workshop.

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