What's new with JET.jl

07/26/2023, 7:50 PM — 8:00 PM UTC


JET.jl is a static code analyzer for Julia that is powered by Julia compiler's type inference system. This talk aims to introduce new features that have been added to JET over the past two years, as well as discuss the future plans of the project.


JET.jl, a static code analyzer for Julia, is now widely used in the community. The purpose of this talk is to introduce new features and enhancements that have been added to JET over the past two years. These include:

  • Integration with Test.jl's unit-testing system
  • Improvements in type inference, such as alias-analysis on immutable fields
  • Various configurations
  • Shipping with the base Julia

Additionally, if time allows, I will also talk a bit about future plans of the project.

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