Writing a Julia Data Science book like a software engineer

07/28/2023, 2:20 PM — 2:30 PM UTC


We present our package and book that we’ve developed to write Julia for Data Science Book. Unlike many other books, our book considers functions are first class citizens and is fully (re)built with CI. We discuss how to develop a code of conduct for communication guidelines and a workflow for coauthoring together using GitHub features such as pull request and issues as project management tools.


Like many people before us, we started working on a book only to realize that the tools were not helpful enough. So, as a proper case of yak shaving, we first created a software package to write books. We will present our package and book that we've developed to write Julia for Data Science Book. We write this book for researchers from all fields, while keeping robust software development practices in mind. Unlike many other books, our book considers functions are first class citizens and is fully (re)built with CI. And, finally, we'll discuss how to develop a code of conduct for communication guidelines and a workflow for coauthoring together using GitHub features such as pull request, issues and projects as software project management tools.

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