An update on the ITensor ecosystem

07/26/2023, 7:30 PM — 8:00 PM UTC
32-G449 (Kiva)


ITensor is a library for running and developing tensor network algorithms, a set of algorithms where high order tensors are represented as a network of lower order, and low rank, tensors. I will give an update on the ITensor Julia ecosystem. In particular, I will discuss efforts to support more GPU backends and block sparse operations on GPU, as well as ITensorNetworks.jl, a new library for tensor network algorithms on general graphs.


ITensor is a library for running and developing tensor network algorithms, a set of algorithms where high order tensors are represented as a network of lower order, and low rank, tensors. I will give an update on the ITensor Julia ecosystem. In particular, I will discuss updates to our tensor operation backend library, NDTensors.jl, and efforts to make it more extensible and support dense and block sparse operations on a variety of GPU backends through package extensions. In addition, I will discuss the new ITensorNetworks.jl library, a library built on top of ITensors.jl for tensor network algorithms on general graphs, which has a graph-like interface and graph operations based on Graphs.jl.

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