Stefan Krastanov

I am a researcher in Quantum Information Science. I obtained my PhD in quantum physics at the Yale Quantum Institute at 2019 and have worked as a postdoc and a research scientist at Harvard and MIT since then. Last year I started my own group as an assistant professor at UMass Amherst, in the College of Information & Computer Sciences.

My open source biography starts with my involvement in the SymPy project, developing its plotting module and differential geometry module in 2012. Since then I have counted myself as one of the scientific programming hackers in the python (and more recently julia) ecosystems, in particular with focus on quantum information science.


21:00 UTC

Formalism-agnostic Quantum Hardware Simulation

07/26/2023, 9:00 PM9:30 PM UTC
32-G449 (Kiva)

The design of quantum hardware and the study of quantum algorithms require classical simulations of quantum dynamics. A rich ecosystem of simulation methods and algorithms has been developed over the last 20 years, each applicable to different sub-problems and efficient in different settings. We present a family of symbolic and numeric Julia packages that abstract away many of the methodology decisions, providing a way to focus on the hardware under study instead of the minutia of the methods.

18:20 UTC

Faster Simulation of Quantum Entanglement with BPGates.jl

07/27/2023, 6:20 PM6:30 PM UTC

BPGates.jl is a tool for extremely fast simulation of quantum circuits, as long as the circuit is limited to only performing entanglement purification over Bell pairs.

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