Rachel Kurchin

I'm an Assistant Research Professor in Materials Science and Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. I lead a local Pittsburgh-area Julia meetup, and also lead development of the Chemellia ecosystem and collaborate on AtomsBase.jl. You can learn more and find ways to reach me at my personal website.


14:30 UTC

Teaching Introductory Materials Science with Pluto Demos!

07/28/2023, 2:30 PM — 2:40 PM UTC

In this talk, I'll share my experience with Julia in a new (to me) context: in a classroom of first-year undergraduate students who have no coding experience! I plan to use Pluto notebooks to make a series of interactive computational (and low- or no-code) demonstrations of concepts from the introductory materials science course at Carnegie Mellon which I am teaching in the Spring 2023 semester. I look forward to sharing the resources I create as well as my reflections on the experience!

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