Frames Catherine White

Frames has been a log time contributor to Julia and its ecosystem, going back to the late days of Julia v0.3. She had done many things at many times, but has a long term interest in automatic differentiation.


19:30 UTC

Logging in Julia: Logging stdlib and LoggingExtras.jl

07/28/2023, 7:30 PM — 8:00 PM UTC

This talk will go into how to use julia's Logging standard library, in particular into how to configure it using LoggingExtras.jl. LoggingExtras.jl is a suite of extra functionality on top of the Logging standard library to make configuring log handling simpler. Primarily it works by separating all the ways you can configure the logger into a series of composable objects with only one function: filtering, splitting, transforming. This allow for easy and comprehensive control of logging.

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