Carlo Brunelli

PhD student in computational fluid dynamics. Areas of interest:

  • Julia (of course)
  • Finite Element Method for fluid-dynamics
  • Variational Multiscale Method for incompressible fluids


18:30 UTC

SyntheticEddyMethod.jl for fluid dynamics

07/26/2023, 6:30 PM — 6:40 PM UTC

Synthetic Eddy Methods (SEM) are a family of techniques used to generate realistic inflow data for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) simulation in fluid dynamics. This is one of the easiest and less memory-consumption inflow generators method. The package SEMJulia.jl implements the SEM and recreates a statistically correct and coherent turbulent flow.

14:40 UTC

Airfoil meshing automatization with AirfoilGmsh.jl

07/27/2023, 2:40 PM — 2:50 PM UTC

In field of aerodynamic is often required to test different geometries, most of them are standard airfoils. The aim is usually to identify promising geometry for a specific application. Many operations repeat mechanically, and are tedious and time consuming. In specific, the mesh creation is a fundamental but routine task, similar but not identical for all the airfoil and all the test cases. This is where GmshAirfoil.jl comes in handy.

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Pumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Relational AIJeffrey Sarnoff

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Jolin.ioBeacon Biosignals

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