Simon Byrne

Simon Byrne is the lead software engineer on the CliMA project, which aims to build a next-generation climate model in Julia.


15:30 UTC

Patterns for portable parallelism: porting CliMA to GPUs

07/26/2023, 3:30 PM — 4:00 PM UTC

Despite many efforts, it can be difficult to find good abstractions that are efficient on both CPU and GPU code. In our effort to add GPU support to ClimaCore.jl, we have established with several useful patterns for describing common spatial operations at a high-level, which can then be specialized in different ways to different computational backends.

16:00 UTC

HDF5.jl: Hierarchical data storage for the Julia ecosystem

07/26/2023, 4:00 PM — 4:30 PM UTC

HDF5.jl is a Julia package for reading and writing data using the Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) C library. HDF5 is a flexible, self-describing format suitable for storing complex scientific data, and is used as a container for many other formats. This talk will give an overview of the HDF5 format and give an introduction and examples of basic usage of the HDF5.jl package. We will highlight some recent features and discuss future plans for the package.

20:00 UTC

Profiling parallel Julia code with Nsight Systems and NVTX.jl

07/26/2023, 8:00 PM — 8:10 PM UTC

Understanding the performance of parallel code is tricky, however Julia can make it even more opaque: with asynchronous tasks, multithreading, distributed computing, garbage collection, GPU support and calls to many external libraries, getting a full understanding of what your code is doing can be rather complicated. This talk will describe how to use Nvidia Nsight Systems to understand what your parallel Julia code is doing.

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Pumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Relational AIJeffrey Sarnoff

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Jolin.ioBeacon Biosignals

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