Luca Ferranti

Luca Ferranti is a PhD researcher and software developer. He has a huge interest for scientific computing and applied mathematics and is passionate about open source and open source communities.


20:00 UTC

FuzzyLogic.jl: productive fuzzy inference in Julia

07/26/2023, 8:00 PM — 8:10 PM UTC

This talk introduces FuzzyLogic.jl, a library for fuzzy inference, giving a tour of its features and design principles. Write your fuzzy model with an expressive Julia-like DSL or read your existing model from common formats, tune and explore with available algorithms and visualization tools, and generate efficient stand-alone Julia or C++ code for your final model. Finally, the talk will show how to use the library to solve engineering problems in control theory and image processing.

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Pumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Relational AIJeffrey Sarnoff

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