Lilith Hafner

I'm Lilith, a person, an artist, and a scientist.


18:30 UTC

Julia's Extensible High Performance Sorting Pipeline

07/26/2023, 6:30 PM — 7:00 PM UTC

Julia 1.9 provides remarkable facilities for sorting including lightning fast default algorithms and an extensible system that supports both package authors who provide additional sorting options and users with domain-specific knowledge about their input distributions. This talk explains the Julia sorting pipeline: how these features are made possible and how you can benefit from using them.

19:30 UTC

Quickdraw: The simplest Julia package deployment system

07/26/2023, 7:30 PM — 7:40 PM UTC

The Julia ecosystem provides rich interoperability among Julia packages but it has been nontrivial to deploy functionality from a Julia package to non-technical users. Quickdraw is a simple combination of existing tools that installs a runnable app from any Julia package that defines a main function. All the end user needs to do is run a single command; all the developer needs to provide is that command.

20:20 UTC

ScratchQuickSort: a faster version of QuickSort

07/26/2023, 8:20 PM — 8:30 PM UTC

ScratchQuickSort is a novel variation on QuickSort that is typically faster, always stable, and now Julia's default sorting algorithm for generic data.

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