Harry Saxton

Harry Saxton is a 2nd Year PhD student at Sheffield Hallam University. With a background in mathematics, Harry is interested in Lumped parameter modelling and inverse problems. Harry's main interests lie in the areas of Sensitivity, Identifiability and Bayesian analysis. However, any biological problem in which mathematics is applied is of interest. Harry has been a part of developing the Julia package CirculatorySystemModels.jl which is a package which allows simple, modular lumped parameter modelling. Harry has been using Julia a year and feels like it is the best programming community that is out there.


13:00 UTC

Hands on lumped parameter models with CirculatorySystemModels.jl

07/25/2023, 1:00 PM — 4:00 PM UTC
32-D463 (Star)

Come and help us circulate the love for lumped parameter modelling with CirculatorySystemModels.jl, a fast, friendly, flexible and functional circulatory modelling framework. In this workshop participants will be helped to run and analyze a lumped parameter model, embodying the statement "if you can draw it you can model it". We will guide users through the specifics of how they can then begin to develop their own advanced features utilizing the dependent package ModelingToolkit.jl.

14:30 UTC

Julia Systems Biology

07/28/2023, 2:30 PM — 3:30 PM UTC
32-G449 (Kiva)

Julia has had the most developed ecosystem for differential equation modeling in simulation through the SciML organization for a while. Here we present a collection of talks by computational systems biologists in the community. The focus of the symposium will be to look at how SciML tools are being used in systems biology, how they can improve, and how we can take steps to increase collaboration throughout industry and academia.

Platinum sponsors


Gold sponsors


Silver sponsors

Pumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Relational AIJeffrey Sarnoff

Bronze sponsors

Jolin.ioBeacon Biosignals

Academic partners


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Fiscal Sponsor