An opinionated, but configurable, GitLab CI process for Julia

07/28/2023, 8:00 PM — 8:10 PM UTC


As an alternative code-hosting/project management platform, GitLab is not as well supported within the Julia community. This talk presents a GitLab CI process for Julia aiming to change this, making it easier for those using GitLab as their preferred platform to build and ship Julia-based software.


The Julia community is very GitHub-centric, i.e. the majority of Julia package development happens on the platform. Hence, various solutions for CI have been created by the community for the platform.

As an alternative platform, GitLab has not seen as much use, and hence support, from the Julia community. However, the platform can, and is, used for Julia development by various people and organizations. It is typically chosen because of its excellent feature set and the ability to host private instances, with limited capabilities, for free.

The Ethima organization provides opinionated, composable, and reusable CI processes for GitLab. It even provides one for Julia! In this talk, you will learn how to get set up (it doesn't take much), what functionality the process provides you with, how it can be extended and fine-tuned to your needs, and how to contribute.

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