Joris Kraak

Joris is driven by a need for automation and to make things easier for himself, typically while first making them harder. He has been creating CI processes for Julia (and other languages) for as long as he has been programming in Julia (which has been a while), primarily for GitLab, but also for other platforms such as GitHub and Buildkite. He has also been building web-based Julia applications for the same amount of time, trying to find more efficient ways of building those at every step.

Joris is the technical team lead for the JuliaSim product and applications team.


15:50 UTC

Shipping Julia Packages with System-Images

07/26/2023, 3:50 PM — 4:00 PM UTC

The Julia ecosystem has super fast and performant packages, but not always upon first use. This may be alleviated using system images and this talk presents a convenient workflow to ship them. Additionally, it discusses various challenges when doing so and shares our experience in reliably tackling them.

18:00 UTC

Julia Application Builders

07/27/2023, 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM UTC

Julia is primarily considered to be a "scientific programming language". Quite often, what starts out as "scientific programming" ends up in products meant to be consumed by others. When this happens, these pieces of software end up in "applications", typically with a UI of some sort. This BoF is for those that build these applications, to learn from others, and to discuss what can be done to move the ecosystem forward.

20:00 UTC

An opinionated, but configurable, GitLab CI process for Julia

07/28/2023, 8:00 PM — 8:10 PM UTC

As an alternative code-hosting/project management platform, GitLab is not as well supported within the Julia community. This talk presents a GitLab CI process for Julia aiming to change this, making it easier for those using GitLab as their preferred platform to build and ship Julia-based software.

20:20 UTC

Declaratively imposing constraints using ValueConstraints.jl

07/28/2023, 8:20 PM — 8:30 PM UTC

ValueConstraints.jl provides a framework for declaratively expressing constraints on values, e.g. "minimum", "maximum", "needs to be within this set", etc. along with a small standard library of common constraints. It is fast, i.e. on par with using regular function calls, provides friendly error messages and warnings, and, perhaps most importantly, can serve as a foundation for the creation of schemas.

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